Correction Request

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  • 1 minutes  read time
  • Last Updated

Do you think we reported something wrongly? is committed to keeping the coverage factually-correct, this is why we encourage you to contact us and request a correction.

It doesn’t happen very often, but when we do need to change a story, this will be noted down in the article itself with the time & date the correction was made and what the correction was.

We appreciate your efforts in helping us keep our footage factual and of the standard that our readers deserve.

Please the form below to submit a correction request:

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    Darcy isn’t your typical bookworm. She loves to read, but there’s adventure in her life, too. As she would put it – words and play, makes for much to say. Our Darcy is a poet and a gaming journalist. She has a tight grasp of on the latest regulatory developments not only in her home in Italy, but all across Europe. Darcy is our go-to person when we need to make sense of local regulation across Europe and neighbouring regions.